"Legis cantio contra ineptos criticos. Quid legent hosce versu, matere censunto. Profanum vulgus et inscium ne attrectato: Omnesque astrologi, blenni, barbari procul suntu, qui aliter facit, is rite, sacer esto."

available IN SPANISH from Century I to Century VI: Nostradamus Descifrado

Friday, October 14, 2011



Long before such intrigues,
The ones from the East by lunar virtue :
The year 1700 will make big changes,
Almost subduing the Aquilonian corner.


Beaucoup avant telles menees,
Ceux d'orient par la vertu lunaire:
L'an mil sept cens feront grands emmenees,
Subjugant presque le coing Aquilonaire.

In general terms, the quatrain translated into Spanish has no significant translation details. And this quatrain is pure history as we say in my country. Let's see.

The key to this quatrain is the word East and the Moon as a symbol. We know that for Nostradamus, the Moon is specifically the Ottoman Empire or Islam in general. Here he speaks about the year 1700. Let's see what was happening historically in the Ottoman world. That year, Mustafa II ruled (February 6, 1664 - December 28, 1703), as the sultan of the Ottoman Empire as from 1695 until 1703. In the rest of Europe, the Habsburgs saw the death of the last member of their royal house in Spain, Charles II (November 1, 1700) Due to the lack of direct descendants from the King, a complex web of palace intrigues surrounding the succession, began.

This case become a matter of state and consumed the efforts of European diplomacy ("... such intrigues.") After the death of the heir agreed, Joseph Ferdinand of Bavaria, in 1699, King Charles II made his will on October 3, 1700, in favor of Philip of Anjou, grandson of Louis XIV of France and the Spanish Infanta Maria Theresa of Austria (1638 - 1683), the eldest daughter of Philip IV and sister of Charles II.

Before proceeding, let’s know that the concept "virtue" can be replaced by dignity, integrity.

But let’s finish the story of Mustafa II. He proposed himself to repel the Austrian advance in his Empire and in 1697 ("The ones from the East by lunar virtue") took over in person in order to re conquer Hungary. ("Long before such intrigues, the ones from the East by lunar virtue.") When Nostradamus talks about long before such intrigues he is referring to the intrigues of succession to the Hapsburg throne which took place in 1700, with the death of Charles II, called the Bewitched. And let’s remember that after his death, the historic War of Spanish Succession began. ("Long before such intrigues.")

To his misfortune, he was defeated in Zenta by Eugene of Savoy (“almost subduing the Aquilonian corner,") and this event led the Ottomans to seek a peace agreement. Through the Treaty of Karlowitz, in 1699, Mustafa transferred Hungary and Transylvania to Austria, Morea to the Venetian Republic, and withdrew Turkish military detachments from Polish Podolia. "The Aquilonian corner” is Hungary. Now let’s know why. It is Hungary because let’s remember that it was part of the Roman Empire The ancient Roman city of Aquincum was located at the northeastern edge of the Roman province of Pannonia.

The ruins of the city can be seen today on the outskirts of Budapest, capital of Hungary. Aquincum is the Aquilonian corner that the prophet mentions; (“coing Aquilonaire”) but let’s support it even more. September 11th, 1697, Battle of Zenta. The Austrian forces achieved a decisive victory taking the Turkish army by surprise as it crossed the river Tisa. After this battle, the Ottoman Empire can not advance and in 1699, the Great Turkish War ends (1682-1699). Let’s remember that the Tisa River flows through Hungary. However, the prophet says that the year 1700 will bring great changes. And it is obviously so.

After the defeat they sign the Karlowitz treaty in 1699, losing Hungary and Transylvania ("... will make big changes.”) More than one scholar may say that this happened before 1700, which is effective. However, since the beginning of that century, the Ottoman Empire began to lose territories. Their bugbears: Austria and Russia. The Karlowitz treaty from 1699 meant the loss of their territories in Southeastern Europe. Mustafa II would die murdered in 1703. The quatrain is clarified.


From the aquatic triplicity born.
From one who will make Thursday his feast:
Its noise, praise, kingdom, his power will grow,
By land and sea to the Easts storm.


De l'aquatique triplicit naistra.
D'un qui fera le jeudi pour sa feste:
Son bruit, loz, regne, sa puissance croistra,
Par terre & mer aux Oriens tempeste.

When Nostradamus infers "from the aquatic triplicity born," he is obviously involving three zodiacal signs, related to water: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. He does not mention rivers, oceans or tributaries. Nostradamus is accurate. He neither uses planetary alignments or bizarre astrological figures. He only uses the most objective aspects of the astrologic science.

The second verse retakes the previous idea and says that "From one who will make Thursday his feast." Let’s agree on something. When the prophet says "who will make Thursday his feast," he is not referring to an anniversary, birthday or saint’s day, because these are annual holidays and can fall on any day. “Celebrate” (“will make Thursday his celebration") relates to a specific day in a typical week: on Thursday, and every year.

Let’s also remember that the name "Thursday" comes from the Latin Jovis dies, or "Jupiter day,” but it is also possible that it could be annual and will always be on that same day, such as Holy Thursday among Christians worldwide. An annual feast, but this consecration is the Thursday of the Holy Week. Doubly successful, then: first, the origin of Thursday in Latin is Jupiter day (Latin related to Rome;) and second, the Christian feast of Holy Thursday: Especially if he says "kingdom" ("regne") and "praise" ("loz,") which means praise and commendation, very typical of Catholic culture in any case. When saying "kingdom," we must be careful not to rush and imply a sense of nationhood, monarchy. Because given the concept "praise," it could refer to a Christian symbolism.

It will cause "storm;" obviously, a storm is a weather phenomenon, and unless it is of historic importance, we are facing another symbolism. The term "conflict" not necessarily refers to something military. Let’s change what we have:

From the three water signs will be born
From one who will make Thursday his feast

The term "from one" is interesting. And it is key for understanding this quatrain. “From one” refers to a person. And that person combines these three water signs or aquatic triplicity ("from one will be born"). And he will make the day "Thursday (be) his party."

The concept "loor" can be replaced by praise. We can change the term "Kingdom" for domain, authority. And the concept "noise" may involve attracting much attention or doing things to get attention. We can change the concept "power" for influence. Also, we can synonymize the concept "grow" to increase, expand. And the concept "noise" can be replaced by voice. Let's see the verse now:

"His voice, praise, power, influence will expand"

In the last verse, Nostradamus says: "to the Easts." It turns out that the plural of the concept "East" is due to a geographical point of view which states that there are 3 (Near East, Middle East and Far East). We already said that the concept storm is figurative; therefore, the closest replacement is whirlwind. Let´s change this last verse:

By land and sea to the Easts storm

Well, Nostradamus is referring to Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the famous Society of Jesus or so called Jesuits, and also the so called Company of Jesus. But you may wander why I say that he is referring to this character and this institution. Let´s see:

First, the birth date of Ignatius of Loyola is October 24, 1491, and his birth is important because without him the Company of Jesus would not have existed. And that date corresponds to the sign of Scorpio, water sign.

Second, Ignatius of Loyola was ordained priest on June 24, 1538 by Pope Paul III in Venice, and this also is a valid date because he would neither had founded the Society of Jesus had he not been a priest from the Catholic Church. And that date corresponds to the sign of Cancer, also a water sign.

And thirdly, the Society of Jesus is really born through a Papal Bull Injunctum Nobis on March 14, 1543. We should say that before that date there is another Papal Bull called Regimini Militantis from September 27, 1540, which is the one that gives true life to the religious order because it lifted the number ban from its members; however, that Papal Bull limited the number of members from the new order.

And this limitation is of enormous importance because with a limited number of members it could never have spread, as the third and fourth verses indicate. In short, March 14th, 1543 is the real birth date of this congregation, called SOCIETA IESU, from the viewpoint of its fame, prestige and power. This date corresponds to the sign of Pisces. The last water sign.

That is the water triplicity:

Date of Birth of Ignatius Loyola: 24/10/1491 SCORPIO
Date of his priestly ordination: 24/06/1538 CANCER
Date of Papal Bull WITHOUT ban: 14/03/1543 PISCES

"From the aquatic triplicity from one will be born"

And this congregation, as we said in our analysis, will feast on Thursday, and of course, because every year during Holy Week, Thursday is celebrated as Holy Thursday. ("Who will make Thursday his feast.") And now it is easier to fit the following verses with the development of this order.

Let's briefly review history: The Society of Jesus has been an organization that has lived among the praise ("loor") and criticism, always in controversy ("Its Noise.") Its unconditional loyalty to the Pope has involved it in several conflicts: with Elizabethan England, with Spanish absolutism and the Sun King, with Bismarck's Germany, from where it was expelled (during the Kulturkampf), and with the Liberal governments of various countries in America and Europe, which also pursued it.

Also, the Communist regimes in Eastern Europe and China largely limited its activity as from 1945 ("By land and sea to the Easts storm.") Outstanding chapters of its history have been the origin and development of its famous Colleges and Universities in Europe, and its missionary activity in India, China and Japan ("By land and sea to the Easts storm.")

At this point it is important to emphasize the enormous challenge that the Jesuits had to face upon their arrival in distant lands, given the customs and religiosity of the Easts. They were also present in the reservations in Paraguay, the exploration and evangelization in Canada, the Mississippi and the Marañón, the theological conflicts with Protestants and Jansenists, their confrontation with the Enlightenment, their suppression and expulsion from America (1773) ("kingdom, its power will grow.)

In fact the power that they acquired in America was so great that the King of Spain ordered their expulsion. In 1965 they reached their highest numerical expansion: 36,000 Jesuits in more than a hundred administrative units (provinces and missions). That is why the Papal Bull dated 14/3/1543 is so important, because if it had not lifted the ban that strictly dictated having a certain number of members, they could never have increased their territorial power (especially in America) and their influence, and the execution of one of the largest evangelization exercises in history.

The Jesuits were widely known even in Asia, and suffered many sacrifices. (Middle East and Far East). The quatrain has been clarified.

CENTURY 1: QUATRAIN 45-46-47-48


Sects sectarian great sorrow to the informer,
Beast on stage, the stage game lifted,
Of old fact inventor ennobled,
Confused and schismatic world by sects.


Secteur de sectes grand peine au delateur,
Beste en theatre, dresse le jeu scenique,
De faict antique ennobly l'inventeur,
Par sectes monde confus & schismatique.

This quatrain conceals a formidable event in its bowels. "Sects sectarian" is a redundancy with some intentionality. A "sectarian" is a follower of sects or at least belonging or attached to one. Therefore, we can change the term "sectarian" by fanatical extremist. i.e., it refers to a person. We can change the concept "informer” by snitch, informant. Also, we can change "punishment" by pain, sadness. Let’s change:

"Extremist of sects, great sadness to the informer"

The second verse says: "Beast on stage, the stage game lifted,"

Obviously there is no "beast in the theater,” literally speaking; therefore, we are facing a sort of characterization. We can change the term "beast" by animal, inhuman, brutish, irrational. We can change the term "lifted" by starting, started. The idea of ​​"stage game" implies two things

1) that there are scenes, typical of a play, and more especially if accompanied by the concept "game" and very connected with the idea of ​​theater.

2) to say "lifted" means that the former is started, i.e., a play.

Let’s change what we have:

"Irrational in theater starting the play in scene"

The third verse says: "Of old fact inventor ennobled."

We can change the term "fact" by event. We can replace the term "old" by archaic, past. And we can change the concept "ennobled" by proud, honored, exalted. And we can change the term "inventor" by author.

Let’s change to see how this verse shows:

"From old event the author is proud"

Finally Nostradamus says in his last verse:

"confused and schismatic world by sects."

This verse acts as a sort of conclusion and also a warning. It tells us that the world will be confusing, vague, ambiguous and full of divisions ("schismatique"). Let’s recall that the concept "by" (“per") is a preposition of causality. And the concept “schismatic” can be replaced by split, divided.

Let’s go to history: Well, the relationship of this theater is evident; Nostradamus speaks of the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, which occurred on April 14, 1865. That day, April 14, Lincoln and his wife attended a play at Ford's Theatre. Lincoln had invited General Ulysses Grant and his wife, but the general declined the invitation. The play was "Our American Cousin," a musical comedy, a play about American English relatives and their rough nobles ("the stage play lifted").

When Lincoln sat in the balcony, John Wilkes Booth, an actor ("The Beast in the theater") and a Southern Virginia supporter, fired a single shot with a round bullet pistol to the head of the president. He shouted "Sic semper tyrannis!" ("Thus always to tyrants"), (which incidentally is the state motto of Virginia). Booth jumped from the balcony to the stage and broke his leg falling. "Sic semper tyrannis!" Is a phrase attributed to Marcus Junius Brutus, who according to the story yelled it to Julius Caesar at the time of his murder. This bloody episode is the one that John W. Booth emulated to assassinate Abraham Lincoln ("Of old event inventor is ennobled.")

Curious, yet relevant: on March 15 44 BC, Gaius Julius Caesar, dictator of Rome and Pontifex Maximus, was assassinated in the Curia of the Theatre of Pompey where the Roman Senate met. It also was a theater, therefore in the first verse he says that a "sect sectarian great sorrow the informer" because sects are tight, almost impenetrable, so inviolable that their members prefer to die than betray "their brothers").

And if we take this first verse as an advance of what had already happened, the assassination of Lincoln, we can also realize that John W. Booth is related to a sect that was never known of, or the members who conspired to carry out the assassination. Therefore, the prophet warns us in the last verse of this quatrain. That sect helped John W. Booth to sneak in the theater, evade security and even escape. In fact, he was shot by the patrol sent to capture him but not kill him, more than 10 days after the assassination occurred. John W. Booth did not act alone. Simply, his position was betrayed ("great sadness to the informer.")

In short, he was the executioner, but the jury which convicted the president of the United States was well concealed among its close ones. This jury was a sect that could not prevent the fall of the South and was never discovered. Consequently, Lincoln was assassinated by a plot planned by a cult and not by a solitary man. It is a fact that will continue haunting for almost 100 years, with the assassination of John F. Kennedy. The quatrain has been clarified.


Very close to Aux, Lestore and Miranda,
Great fire from sky for three nights will fall:
Cause will happen very wonderful and amazing
Very soon after the earth will tremble.


Tout aupres d'Aux, de Lestoure & Mirande,
Grand feu du ciel en trois nuicts tumbera:
Cause adviendra bien stupende & mirande,
Bien peu aupres la terre tremblera.

Let’s know certain things. The term "tout" is translated as "all," and the term "aupres" is translated as "close." Therefore the verse says "All around Lestore and Miranda;" the concept Lestor is updated as Lectoure "- Y Miranda Mirande.

Let’s replace the first verse: "All around Aux, Lectoure and Mirande"

Mirande is located in the region of Midi-Pyrenees, Gers department. Also, Aux is Aux-Aussat, a French commune, located in the region of Midi-Pyrenees, Gers department, in the district of Mirande and county of Miélan. Lectoure is a French commune, located in the region of Midi-Pyrenees, Gers department.

Changing again, we could say:

"All around the Midi – Pyrenees region”

In the second verse, Nostradamus says "Great Fire from Heaven for three nights will fall."
The term "tumbera" is translated as “will knock down”. “Falling” agrees with the translation.

Any "great fire" that fell from the sky for three nights in a row is an event. One might think at a first reading that the prophet is seeing a bombing over cities or towns; however, this is ruled out when reading the third verse "because it will happen very wonderful and amazing." And a bombing could never be amazing for its size or its surprise; it could neither be wonderful.

Therefore, what comes closest to an event that brings fire down from heaven for three nights in a row and that is amazing and wonderful would be a meteor shower or a similar phenomenon. Now if such event happened, why should we look it up in France? Well, all the quatrains from Nostradamus have, directly or indirectly, a French reference. And more so if the first verse names some areas such as Aux (French word).

Well, such an event actually happened in France and more precisely in April 25, 1803. But what significance could a meteor shower have?

Let’s find the answer in history. The first to claim the extraterrestrial origin of meteorites was the German astronomer Ernst Florens Chladni. His study, published in 1794, was received with derisive giggles, because at that time no one believed in stones falling from the sky. The critics would end up being convinced precisely on that April 26, 1803, when a shower of meteorites fell over France. ("Great Fire from heaven for in three nights will fall:")

But let's continue. L'Aigle (France) was one of the sites where this phenomenon could be seen. The information that has been recovered tells us that this meteor shower was so spectacular that more than 3,000 stones were collected by the locals. The physicist Jean-Baptiste Biot investigated the events of L'Aigle and found that other towns had seen a bright fireball in the sky before the explosion. The series of events left no doubt that the meteorites came from a celestial source.

Subsequently to this spectacular event, in the midi – Pyrenees area, Nostradamus tells us that a strong earthquake will shake the area some time later. Reviewing history there is no evidence of any earthquake in the area, although the area is seismic. Therefore, it did exist, but it was an earthquake like any other; if it had been spectacular, history would have mentioned that event. Nostradamus is accurate. Therefore, it is a reference to another obviously wonderful event, because that is the tenor of the quartet. "Bien peu apres la terre tremblera" Or rather, "very soon after, the earth will tremble"

But months later and already in February 1804 to be precise, two mechanical principles, guiding wheels and the use of motive power, were combined for the first time by the English mining engineer Richard Trevithick, who on February 24, 1804 succeeded in adapting the steam engine, used since the early eighteenth century to pump water, to pull of a locomotive which ran at a speed of 8 km / h pulling five wagons loaded with 10 tons of steel, and 70 men on a 15 km railway from the Pen-y-Darren foundry, in South Wales. ("Very soon after the earth will tremble") The quatrain has been clarified.


From lake Leman sermons will anger,
Days will be reduced to weeks:
Then months, then years, then all shall faint,
Judges will condemn their useless laws.


Du lac Leman les sermons fascheront,
Les Jours seront reduicts par les sepmaines:
Puis mois, puis ans, puis tous defailliront,
Les magistrats damneront leurs loix vaines.

Let’s consider this quatrain. First, Lake Leman is the current Lake Geneva in Switzerland and so we are situated geographically. ("From Lake Leman .."). When Nostradamus infers “sermons will anger” he is referring to religion itself. Let’s remember that historically, Switzerland is the birthplace of John Calvin, founder of a branch of Protestantism called Calvinism or the famous Huguenots. Let’s also remember that the word Huguenot is the former name given to French Protestants of Calvinist doctrine during the wars of religion.

The second verse should read: "Days will be reduced to weeks." The term "reducedl" is somewhat ambiguous, we can replace it by dominated, subjected, even compressed. We can change the concept "sermons" by preaches, prayers. Let’s go by parts and change what we know:

"From Switzerland, the sermons will anger,"
the days will be subjected to weeks:

The idea that Nostradamus indicates is of endless days. And this idea becomes stronger in the third verse, which is part of the paraclause, since the colon is at the end of the second verse. With this, Nostradamus expresses two images. The first comprises the first two verses in what I call general or main clause. Then the third and fourth verses make up the secondary image or paraclause derived from the main clause.

"Then months, then years, then all shall faint"

The term "faint" can be changed by decay, weaken, worsen. Basically, Nostradamus presents a quite long period of time ("after years")

The only thing in history that has that precedent is precisely the religious wars in France.

As from the seventeenth century, the Huguenots would often be referred to as Religionnaires, because the royal decrees (and other official documents) used the dismissive or "pretended reformed religion" ("sermons will anger”) for referring to Protestantism.

Let’s also know that Calvin helped the Protestant churches in France from Geneva (“From Lake Leman the sermons will anger.") At the Synod of Paris in 1559, most French Protestants decided to approve a clearly Calvinist doctrinal statement in order to present it before the new king of France, Francis II of France. However, the influence of the House of Guise, a declared enemy of the Reformation, triggered in response a clearly repressive policy against the already respected Protestant minority at that time.

Huguenot families would be pursued by every means, and for thirty years (1562-1594) ("Days will be reduced to weeks, then months, then years, then all shall perish") The clarity of this quatrain infers that those who falter are those who pray, and therefore, those who are angry are those who do not share those prayers. Even in the last verse, the prophet says "The judges will condemn their useless laws." When he says "judges" and "laws," he is symbolyzing the justice system. Clearly, not even the French judiciary of the time will defend those who preach sermons that infuriate, but will also participate in this "anger" ("The judges will condemn their useless laws.")

We are finally at the Killing or Massacre of St. Bartholomew (in French, Massacre de la Saint-Barthélemy), which is the mass murder of Huguenots during the Wars of Religion in France during the sixteenth century. The events began on August 24, 1572 in Paris, extending over the following months throughout France. Anyway, the provincial capitals supported the slaughter. On August 25, the murders took place at Orleans and Meaux; on the 26th, at Charité-sur-Loire; on the 28th and 29th, at Angers and Saumur; on Aug. 31st, at Lyon; on September 11th, at Bourges; on October 3rd, at Bordeaux, etc. The death toll is estimated in a total of 2,000 in Paris and between 5,000 and 10,000 throughout France. ("Then all shall perish.") The quatrain has been clarified.


Twenty-year reign of the Moon past,
Seven thousand years another shall have his monarchy:
When the Sun takes its days left,
When my prophecy is met and consummated.


Vingt ans du regne de la lune passez,
Sept mil and autre tiendra sa monarchie:
Quand le soleil prendra ses jours lassez,
Lors accomplit & mine ma prophetie.

Nostradamus again brings symbols. "The moon" remains a representative of the Ottoman Empire or dependant on the quatrain from the Arab world. The sun also continues representing France. But basically the French monarchy, since King Louis XIV was called the Sun King. Let’s change what we have:

"Twenty years of the Ottoman Empire past"

The concept "du" is not translated as "from" but as "of." The concept "Pazzes," which translates as "past," can be changed to "gone by.” And let us improve syntax and change:

"Twenty years from the Ottoman Empire which have passed"

Basically, he does not say that the Ottoman Empire has been extinguished, but rather Nostradamus tells us that twenty years of the Ottoman Empire have passed. By default he is referring to another land or territory. The second verse proves us right:

"Seven thousand years another shall have its monarchy"

Let’s know that one of the most common mistakes in the interpretations is precisely not giving the right sense to what is trying to be said. Here we note that the concept "sa monarchie" does not refer to replacing the Ottoman Empire for another 7,000 year period.

Rather, it refers to a parallel with another kingdom: "Another will have its monarchy." When saying “another”, it is clear that perhaps – we will find out – he refers to a particular person, or to a people. We can change the term "will have" by will obtain, will assume, will enjoy, will benefit. Also, if the concept “monarchy” does not fit, we can replace it by estate, dominion, kingdom. Let’s see:

"Seven thousand years another will benefit (from) his kingdom"

Let’s remember that when he was in his campaign in Egypt, Napoleon said "forty centuries gaze at us." However, the history of ancient Egypt ranges from 5,000 to 4500 BC. More or less, and interestingly if we add the 2,000 to 3,000 years after Christ, we have the seven thousand years. Coinciding with what many say about the extension, that the Centuries should cover to the year 3,000 AD. And this is interesting from the standpoint of the last verse. ("When my prophecy is met and consummated,") which we will see at the end.

Let’s know something from which to count those 7,000 years. By the year 3600 C, the Gerzean arises and is spread throughout Egypt, unifying it. This cultural consonance will lead to political unity, which will emerge after a period of struggles and alliances between clans to impose their supremacy.

To achieve greater efficiency and production, by 3500 a. C., the early channeling works were executed and hieroglyphic writing began in (Abydos). Proto-states began at this time.

Naqada II period is the Pre dynastic Egyptian culture, also known as Gerzean (a name from the town of Al-Gerzeh in the region of El Fayum), that develops from 3500 to 3200 A. C.

We now have the first two verses. Nostradamus again establishes the colon at the end of the second verse and thus indicates that the first two verses are a main clause or main image and the third and fourth verses are the paraclause as I call it, or rather the image derived from the clause. Let's see what we have:

"Twenty years of the Ottoman Empire which have passed
Seven thousand years another will benefit (from) its kingdom"

Therefore we immediately deduce that this "kingdom" is a territory within the Ottoman influence. And we know that it refers to Egypt. And let us improve syntax, and change:

"Twenty years of the Ottoman Empire which have passed
Seven thousand years another will benefit (from) Egypt:”

Now let’s improve the syntax of the second verse and see:

"Another will benefit (from the) 7000 years of Egypt"

That is our main image and within it, the last two verses:

"When the Sun takes its days left"

Now let’s add what we have:

“Twenty years of the Ottoman Empire which have passed,
Another will benefit (from the) 7000 years of Egypt:
When the Sun takes its days left "

That is the improved and correct quatrain.

The question that immediately arises is at what point the "sun" or rather the French monarchy "takes its days left." Obviously, it was after the French Revolution and the advent of Napoleon Bonaparte and his subsequent exile on the island of Elba. He escaped from Elba in February 1815 and landed in Antibes on March 1, from where he prepared his return to France. ("When the Sun takes its days left.") Then we are talking about 1815.

Interestingly, Mehmet Ali, considered the founder of modern Egypt, introduced major reforms in the country to situate it in the position it deserved and obtain a certain degree of independence before the Great Powers, besides a large autonomy from the Ottoman Empire. He also significantly expanded its boundaries, subjecting neighboring peoples or fighting against the Ottomans.

Between May 12th and 13th, 1805, Mehmet Alí was elected Vali of Egypt by the Ulema (religious authorities) in Cairo.

In 1811 he fought the Wahhabi uprising, at the request of the Ottoman Empire, which allowed him to extend his authority over Hijaz. When he went to war, he left his son Ibrahim Bajá in the government. In 1815, while fighting with the rebel tribes, he received reports about the escape of Napoleon from Elba ("When the sun takes its days left), and a possible Ottoman invasion of Egypt. This difficult international situation could make him lose the government of the country, so as soon as he could he left for Cairo in order to prepare a defense and strengthen their position against the Ottoman Empire. ("Another will benefit (from the) 7000 years of Egypt".) On June 18th, (day of the Battle of Waterloo), he arrived to the capital. Then the campaign went on, led by his son Tusun. In 1816, Ibrahim succeeded his brother (killed in action), and in 1818 definitively ended the uprising, thus consolidating his power in Egypt ("Another will benefit (from the) 7000 years of Egypt") exactly 20 years after the arrival of Napoleon.

This campaign marked the Egyptian control of the Holy Cities of Mecca and Medina, and the Red Sea's eastern coast. Mehmet Ali thus became the safeguard of the Pilgrimage and obtained strategic areas in order to control the trade routes of Arabia, as well as consolidating his power in Egypt exactly 20 years after Napoleon in 1798. Let’s remember that Bonaparte was called Sultan Kebir Bonaparte by the Egyptians and was flattered by it, because literally, it means "great" Sultan. Bonaparte went so far as to openly say that the Quran had predicted the defeat of the caste of the Mamluks who ruled Egypt, and also spoke of the conversion of the French army from the East to Islam. ("Twenty years of the Moon’s reign past”)

The last verse is no less strange: "When my prophecy is met and consummated." An obvious verse in any case; in short, Nostradamus meant "when his prophecy is met and consummated." The term "lors" is translated as "when"; "accomplit" derives in the current French word “accomplir,” which acts as action within context, and therefore translates as "perform, carry out, do" And the concept “mine” is curious, because it currently translates as undermine, and can be replaced by erode, deepen, dredge. Let’s change:

"Then my prophecy (be) accomplished and deepened."

He is speaking about time. Curious. He is not speaking about this quatrain, but about his whole prophecy. It is obvious that the idea of 7000 years bears much relation with this last verse, as we said

The idea "then (be) accomplished" is correct when we think that it refers to the execution of all his quatrains over time. Also, the idea that follows "and deepened" refers that it should be studied and analyzed.

Thus this verse in particular, related with the second verse, form a strange relationship. Let's see.

Another will benefit (from) the 7000 years of Egypt
then my prophecy (be) met and deepened.

In sum, Egypt. + Centuries = 7,000 years. If we tentatively consider 3,500, it is obvious that the prophecies are related with the year 3500 AD approx. But this is still a matter of speculation. By me, the quatrain is clarified.

CENTURY 1: QUATRAIN 41-42-43-44


Siege in city is by night assaulted,
Few escaped, not far from the sea conflict:
Woman of pleasure, return of faint son,
Poison and letters hidden in the fold.


Seige en cit est de nuict assaillie,
Peu eschaps non loin de mer conflict:
Femme de joie, retours fils defaillie,
Poison & lettres cachees dans le plic.

To know where Nostradamus locates us we have to correlate this quatrain correctly. Firstly, in the history after Nostradamus there are many cities which along countless human conflicts have been besieged and attacked. So when he says "Siege in city is by night assaulted," we can initially infer that it was not attacked by surprise, as it was under siege. The second thing that is clear is that there are "few escaped", meaning that not all escape the siege, or rather, survive.

Another clue on the matter is that Nostradamus tells us that this siege "is not far from the sea conflict," which indicates us that this city is coastal or at least is close to the sea, and in that nearby sea or coasts there is war or conflict or to be more specific, a naval battle is being or was already developed. Let’s be concrete: Nostradamus is referring to the site of Toulon, event which begins on September 7, 1793 within the context called Napoleonic war against the first coalition.

The port city was besieged by French republican forces by land (“Siege in city”). This place was taken by Coalition forces between August 23 and 28, 1793, after the inhabitants of the city surrendered it due to an uprising against the Jacobins from the moderate leaders of the port city on July 18, 1793. The Directory responded by sending a force to besiege the city, and in that French force Napoleon Bonaparte came as chief of artillery, who maintained a sort of reciprocal bombardment with the ships guarding the city. ("... not far from the sea conflict ").

The siege of the city lasted a long time and was assaulted at night, at 02:00 on September 18, 1793 ("Is attacked by night"). Once some forts in the outskirts of Toulon were taken, the evacuation was ordered; first, the wounded and disabled would be transported to the vessels that protected the harbor. Agglomerations of people and soldiers waiting to be taken to sea caused chaos. By evening, there was simply no order whatsoever. Some 7,500 residents of Toulon barely escaped. The stampede was complete. The French would arrive any minute.

At 9:00 the next morning, French troops entered Toulon. The revolutionary junta or convention issued an order in which all citizens of Toulon who were enemy collaborators were sentenced to death. This led to the deaths of hundreds of men, women and even children. No one was spared. Toulon lost nearly 40% of its population in these executions ("Few escaped"). Let’s also remember that after the siege of Toulon, Napoleon returned to Paris and was promoted for his diligence thanks to the unwavering support of someone he met precisely on that site, the Count of Barras. This episode catapulted the career of Napoleon Bonaparte. But we still need more.

It was this same Count of Barras who introduced Napoleon to Josephine Beauharnais, whom the Count in intimate circles called the "Vicious criolla" (lewd Créole). In fact, several historians accuse her of being lewd and partying, based on the letters of their contemporaries ("Woman of pleasure"). She was previously married to Alexandre de Beauharnais and had two children, Hortense and Eugene (born 03/09/1781).

Her husband was guillotined on 23/07/1793. This woman had General Lazare Hoche as a lover, and counseled by this general, entrusted him with her son Eugene. France had started a new battle against a fleet of French emigrants from England in the bay of Quiberon; for fear of losing her son there, Josephine requested Hoche to send him back to Paris. In July, Hoche won that battle, and that angered Eugene because the teenager had become interested in the military ("return of faint son.")

This son became an official part of the French imperial family under the name of Eugene de Beauharnais, and later became related with many royal houses in Europe. But let’s continue. General Hoche, lover of Josephine, had a brilliant career, but was accused of treason in 1794 and lost his command. He was imprisoned, but escaped. Subsequently, he managed to receive the command of the army to pacify the west of France.

In his life he suffered two assassination attempts that nearly cost him his success: once he was almost poisoned, and soon after that, was assaulted outside Rennes Theater by an individual who unsuccessfully fired a gun to his head. He was offered the ministry of war and refused it, but received the command of an army corps located near Paris, designed to prevent the intrigues that the Clichy Club plotted against the Directory.

The slanderous accusations from his enemies soon caused him to lose this command, which was entrusted to Augereau. Hurt and humiliated by this treatment, he asked to be tried by the judiciary, which did not occur. Disgusted by this, he returned to his headquarters at Wetzlar. In the first days of September 1797 he fell ill, and died on March19, in great pain, and crying: "Am I dressed in Nessus’ poisoned costume?" (Greek mythological legend; Nessus was a famous centaur who died by a poisoned arrow from Heracles for attempting to rape Deya, wife of Heracles.)

Before dying, he said his blood would serve so that Heracles would be faithful to her. Deyanira believed him after a while, and when her confidence in her husband started to fade, she smeared a shirt from Heracles with blood from the centaur, and he died poisoned, slowly and painfully. He was only 29 years. The autopsy, ordered by the Directory, revealed the presence in the intestine of many black spots that seemed to indicate a violent death.

Many suggest that he died of tuberculosis; however, Nostradamus says otherwise and I interpret the same. Let's see: At the time Napoleon and Josephine met, she was focused on maintaining her starring role within the circle of Barras, and on solving her stormy relationship with the powerful General Hoche. Since they were lovers, Napoleon acutely calibrated that this man was his main rival; in fact, he resigned to serve under him in the Vendée campaign to focus on the looming confrontation with the Austrians in Italy.

Slowly, Napoleon managed to gain a foothold in the salons of Paris, and though he never was a center of attention nor practiced debauchery like Barras or Hoche himself, he did know how to defeat his rival one night in which he disguised himself as a fortune teller and read the hands of all present. When it was Hoche’s turn, Napoleon said solemnly: "He will die in bed." And indeed so it happened. In other words, he was targeted by Napoleon. From these historical extracts we can figure out the last verse: Hoche was poisoned by letters that Napoleon Bonaparte surely sent him somehow, either under his own name or Josephine’s. The fact is that these letter sheets contained poison. Hoche undoubtedly realized that later.

Thus, Napoleon was able to win the heart of Josephine, who was very attracted by Lazare Hoche, and on the other hand, continue his rise to absolute power. Napoleon killed or ordered the killing of Lazare Hoche because he overshadowed the two things he wanted most: the love of Josephine and his desire for military glory. ("Poison and letters hidden in fold.")

I have tried to be very brief in the historical developments both in this and in the majority of the quatrains, and although it is needless to say, it would be very convenient that each one of you dived deeper into these historical episodes to realize the tremendous documented support used for the proper interpretation here, as I said.

There is no arrangement of facts, or characters, or circumstances, only absolute fidelity with history. And I have not thought it necessary to incorporate more detail, because the translated quatrain maintains no disagreements with the original. The quatrain has been clarified.


The tenth Calends of April of Gothic fact,
Risen again by evil people:
The fire extinguished, assembly diabolical
Looking for the bones of d’Amant and Paelin.


Le dix Kalende d'Avril de faict Gothique,
Resuscit encor par gens malins:
Le feu estainct assembl diabolique,
Cherchant les os du d'Amant & Pselin.

Let’s see: According to the Roman calendar, Calends was the first day of the month. Therefore, the April Calends refers to the first day of April; however he is referring to the tenth calends, i.e., April calends refers to day one; if you say second April calends you refer to April 2nd, and so on.

Why does Nostradamus use the term "Calends"?

Now, in 1582 (after Nostradamus), Pope Gregory XIII changed the old Julian calendar (which came from 46 BC). When Nostradamus infers the tenth April calends he is referring to April 10, but beware: he is referring to the Julian calendar, because that was the Calendar in the time of the Centuries. So if we adjust that date in the Gregorian calendar, it will tell us that Nostradamus is pointing to April 23. This you can confirm with any conversion method. Therefore he uses the term "calends".

Then let’s change the first verse:

"April 23th, gothic fact”

But let's go deeper. By "de faict gothique" he is referring to the Goths (from which the word Gothic derives); when he says gothic fact, he is referring to an event from the Goths, in other words, the invasions of the Goths. Let’s remember that the Goths were one of many barbarous nations that from the area of ​​Sweden began to occupy territories of the former Roman Empire; and as a curiosity, any historian will tell you that the reputation of the Goths is given for initiating the final collapse the old world order in Europe.

In fact these people settled mainly in what is now Ukraine. Well, one of the Russian fronts which attacked Berlin was the I Ukrainian Front. But let's be more specific, we will place ourselves in April 1945. Berlin is under siege by the Soviets. Nostradamus does not identify the Soviets as such and compares them with other peoples, with the Ostrogoths, a branch of the Goths, usually called "Eastern Goths."

Thus the prophet alludes to a gothic event; to be even more precise, on April 16, 1945 the Russians began the operation aimed to occupy and defeat Berlin. But on April 23, the military council of the first Russian front offered the conditions for surrender, but the Germans rejected the offer. The Soviet offensive was triggered from all sides at once, on April 23, 1945. This day is April 10, precisely, in the Julian calendar, when Nostradamus wrote his Centuries. ("The Tenth April Calends of Gothic fact."). We can change the term "fact" by event.

The concept "Risen" means back to life, but when saying "again," he is indicating that this is the second time. The concept "encor" derives in the current French word "encore," which translates as "again." Let's see if it is more suitable to use the literal translation:

"Risen again by evil people"

Literally speaking, we know that a person can not be resurrected, so we are facing a kind of metaphor.

We had already situated ourselves in the Berlin blockade, therefore Nostradamus undoubtedly is talking about Hitler; he is dead and they want to "revive” him. But in what way? He is nothing less than the best war trophy for the Russians ("evil people") once they occupy Berlin. But let’s go to history to classify the ideas.

Once Hitler committed suicide with his mistress Eva Braun, their bodies were removed from the bunker at the Chancery to be doused with gasoline and incinerated so as to prevent the Russians from getting the bodies and exposing them as war trophies just as Hitler thought could happen, especially knowing what they did to his friend Benito Mussolini. After setting fire to the bodies, their closest acquaintances met briefly to say their goodbyes. When the Russians arrived looking for Hitler, ("Looking for the bones of d’Amant and Pselin"), they found "the fire extinguished." The term "evil people" is not referring to the Russian people, but to what follows:

Versions emerged in 1990 from the Russian side confirm that the Soviets from the NKVD = KGB (Soviet intelligence agency); the NKVD, the name of the organization, currently is mainly associated with activities considered criminal: political repression and killings, military crimes, violation of the rights of Soviet citizens and foreigners as well as breaking the law. (Let’s remember that Nostradamus was a profound devout and Marxist ideology or the communists were a potential evil for him). After a fruitless search in which they even found a double of Hitler who committed suicide in a room at the Foreign Ministry as a way to mislead them, they finally came upon the almost unrecognizable remains of Hitler and Braun ("resurrected again by evil people;" i.e., they obtained the remains of the Nazi.

Let’s recall that Nostradamus did not live in a time where they kept the remains of someone, least of all in boxes, so for him that is a sort of diabolical act; therefore, resurrecting is not given literally, because for Nostradamus it means not allowing the bodies to rest; and these bodies, hidden even from general Zhukov himself, were transported in special boxes to the border, to a military barracks which afterwards would become territory of the GDR.

In other words, the NKVD secretly manipulated the discovery ("evil assemblyl"). The remains were kept secretly buried under a garden from that headquarters in the city of Magdeburg, and only some of the NKVD authorities knew where they were, until they were exhumed in 1970; Hitler’s skull was extracted, and the rest of the bodies were burned to prevent his tomb from becoming an object of veneration, and the ashes were thrown into the city sewer (according to some sources, even though the end of these remains is of no great importance to us.) There are some considerations that we still must solve, which are crucial: The quatrain finally says, "the bones of D'amant and Pselin.” Both concepts remain faithful to the original quatrain. But let’s see something: "Cherchant" derives in the word "Chercher," which translates as "search." In other words, "searching for bones.")

But the quatrain translated into Spanish, as well as many that are circulating on the Internet, maintain the word "d'amant," even though the word translates as "from the lover." Then he adds "and Pselin." A curious name, anyway, but it is really is too obvious.

Between Prussia and Russia there is precisely a difference of one letter, which is the P. Therefore, that same P is occupied by Nostradamus to refer to "Prussia," a former state precursor of the state of Germany. Prussia as a state was abolished de facto by the Nazis in 1934.

Now, let’s change, "from the lover and Germany." Obviously, "Eva Braun and Hitler."

Moreover, we finally know that all references to “selin” correspond to Russia, or the Russian Empire, or the Soviet Union. The quatrain has been clarified.


Before the turn of the Empire
There will come a wonderful event:
The camp muted, the pillar of Porfirio
Placed,transmuted under the twisted rock.


Avant qu'advienne le changement d'Empire
Il adviendra un cas bien merveilleux:
Un champ mu, le pillier de paphire
Mis translat sur le rocher noilleux.

Before observing this quatrain, let’s know that Nostradamus usually uses the colon at the end of the second verse. For those who are newly integrated, Nostradamus does it to separate two structures and images. The first one that includes the first two lines I call it main clause or main image. The second structure is what I call paraclause or secondary image, derived from the main clause or main image.

The first verse says:

"Before the turn of the Empire"

The term "advienne" fits better as "Advent," which leads to the French word "coming."

"Before the change of the Empire comes”

The second verse to complete the clause says:

Il adviendra un cas bien merveilleux

There will be a quite wonderful event"

The concept "il" acts as personal pronoun; in this case, within the verse it can be translated as "le"

There will be a quite wonderful event for it"

In other words, that "It" refers to the Empire.

The third verse that opens the paraclause has the concept “paphire." Translated into Spanish, the verse says "Porfirio", which is absolutely incorrect. "Paphire" derives in the French word "papier," which translates as paper. The funny thing is that in Provence, "paphire" can be interpreted as papyrus.

And Papyrus (from Latin papyrus and this from Greek πάπυρος) is the name given to the writing support made from a water plant, also known as papyrus, common in the river Nile in Egypt. Etymologically, the word papyrus comes from the Greek term πάπυρος, papyri, which in Latin is papyrus, in plural papyri, taken from the ancient Egyptian term per-peraâ , which means "King flower," because its manufacture was a royal monopoly. It is also the origin of the word paper.

The reference "pillar" ("pillier") is because first, the stem of the papyrus plant was kept soaked for one to two weeks, then cut into thin slices and pressed with a wringer to remove the sap and other liquids; then the plates were arranged horizontally and vertically and were re pressed so the sap would act as an adhesive; finally it was finished by rubbing it gently with a shell or a piece of ivory, for several days, and was ready for use.

It was used to manufacture rolls of some twenty pages, each fifteen feet long, even though they were often cut into smaller "leaves" which were easier to use.

The inscriptions were made in the face of the papyrus which had the strips arranged horizontally: the front. The other side (the back) was rarely written on because it was very expensive; if what was written was losing interest, it was erased and reused.

In sum, they were used in rolls, and a "pillar" is a much larger roll but with the shape of a column. Now, the concept "mu" is not well translated into Spanish, which suggests "muted" in circumstances that "mu" derives in mû,o, which in turn leads to "mouvoir," which translates as "move." Likewise, the Spanish translation transforms the term "champ" into "Camp," even though "Champ" simply means "field." The concept "un" acts as indefinite article. We can also change the term "pillar" by column. Therefore, the verse in question should read:

"A moving field, the paper column"

Let's add to what we already have:

"Before the change of the Empire comes,
There will be a quite wonderful event:
A moving field, the paper column"

The fourth verse says: "Placed, transmuted under the twisted rock."

The concept that translates as "placed" derives in the original verse in "mis," and "mis" derives in mettre, which translates as place. It can also be synonymized as place, locate. Now, the term "translat" can be translated as transmute, in which case it refers to convert, transform, move, change. The term "sur" is a preposition which is replaced by “in” when it refers to place or on. The term "noilleux" derives in the word "moelleux" which translates as fluff. And fluff means to plump something up to make it soft. Turn the earth to make it softer and fluffier. It derives from the Latin “mollire,” “soften.” And obviously, grind derives from the same word. Let’s change:

"Placed in the softened rock"

Now let’s join all the verses:

"Before the change of the Empire comes,
There will be a quite wonderful event:
A moving field, the paper column
Placed in the softened rock"

But let’s go to history for hints. Then, Nostradamus transports us to Mexico. A beautiful country, incidentally. Before proceeding there is a question that lies dormant: why Mexico, and not the Drake well in the United States, which occured in 1859, since Nostradamus says "before"? The answer is simple; Nostradamus does not build long timelines. This "before" is at most between 2 -3 years. And secondly, it does not refer to the death of Maximilian I of Mexico, since he dies in 1867, shot by Republican forces.

France was ruled by Napoleon III in what historically is called the Second Empire, and he wanted to somehow stop the American expansion, invading and occupying Mexico as a colony. This Second Empire fell at Sedan (September 2, 1870), and two days later he was deposed; thus the Empire ended in 1870, and by the way, was changed to the Third Republic ("Before the turn of the Empire.") Therefore, we are situated before 1870.

The first company that extracted oil from drilled wells and produced distilled products, although in rudimentary and small-scale ways, was the Oil Mining Company from the Gulf of Mexico, organized in 1868 by Adolfo Autrey ("there will be a quite wonderful event,") an Irish-American doctor. Autrey imported equipment (a drill and a couple of stills) ("the papyrus pillar") and brought them to the region known as El Cuguas, near the town of Papantla, Veracruz. There, next to the chapopoteras, drilled ("A moving field, the column of paper") to a depth of 125 feet without results; but another 50 feet deep well obtained a flow of about four or five barrels a day, from which he could refine about 200 cans of kerosene (“the papyrus pillar, placed on the softened rock”). In other words, this happened in 1868, exactly 2 years before the change of the Second French Empire ("There will be a quite wonderful event"); oil was discovered in Mexico. The quatrain has been clarified.


In brief, sacrifices will return,
Offenders will be taken to martyrdom:
There will be no more monks, abbots or novices
The honey will be much more expensive than wax.


En bref seront de retour sacrifices,
Contrevenans seront mis martyre:
Plus ne seront maines, abbez, ne novices,
Le miel sera beaucoup plus cher que cire.

In this quatrain there is no indication of disagreements with the original quartet. I will try to be brief.

The term "retour" fits better with “return” than with “go back.” The first concept "seront" within the context translates as "will." Improving the translation, the first verse would say:

"Soon the sacrifices will have to return"

The second verse says, "offenders will be brought to martyrdom"

The word "offenders" derives from the word infringe, which is the action of acting in a contrary way, therefore offender is one who contravenes an order or instruction and is severely punished. "Martyrdom" on the other hand is defined as a big pain, torment, suffering, the pain suffered by the martyr. Generally, martyr is the person who dies defending some cause, with which he gives "testimony" of his faith in it. Usually, the word martyr is applied to religious environments, and this idea is reinforced by the third verse, "No more monks, abbots or novices;" therefore, if there is a lack of these religious activities we can conclude that the offenders are those who profess a religious faith.

We can change the concept "offenders" for wayward, delinquent, irresponsible, violator, transgressor. We can also change "Martyrdom" by persecution, sacrifice, death. And given the ingredient "death," we can change "driven to martyrdom" for "martyred," given the religious context of the quatrain. Let’s change the verse:

"Offenders will be martyred,"

Let’s see, in the first verse he speaks of "sacrifice." Then two questions arise, what kind of sacrifices? This question is clear in the second verse in the phrase "offenders will be taken to martyrdom." Then Nostradamus speaks of human sacrifices, so we can change "martyrdom" for "death" if you will. Nostradamus sees it that way.

The second question is what is meant by human sacrifices. Let’s define: they are the offerings of a human being to a deity in homage or atonement. In a broad sense, it is any ritual death of one or many people at the hands of a third party or institution. Finally, in order to have a clearer idea of ​​the quatrain, Nostradamus adds that “honey will be more expensive than wax." Both elements derive from bees, but honey is for human consumption and not the wax, which has other applications such as high quality lighting candles, pulp for seals, for painting with the technique called encaustic, and to make wax tablets for writing, among other things. After Marie Antoinette's death, several events occur that will undoubtedly need telling ("In brief, sacrifices will return").

Now, let's see what we have:

"Soon sacrifices will return
offenders will be martyred, "

This is our main image or clause, as you wish to call it, formed by the first two verses with the colon at the end of the second verse. The third and fourth verses correspond to the derived or secondary image, or as I call it, the paraclause, which basically corresponds to an image that emerges from the first two verses or main clause.

The paraclause begins with: "Plus ne seront maines, abbez, ne novices".

In it we see those who will be victims of that "sacrifice," and who are the "offenders," obviously monks, abbots and novices, because "there will be no more monks, abbots or novices."

Now let’s go to history within the context of the general clause:

Let’s also remember that this period called reign of terror was brief within the historic concert of the revolution ("soon").

The number of people sentenced to death in Paris amounted to 2639, more than half of which (1,515) died during the months of June and July 1794. The punishments inflicted on the insurgents or suspected traitors were more severe in many peripheral departments, especially in the main centers of the monarchic insurrection. The court of Nantes, chaired by Jean-Baptiste Carrier, the most severe towards the accomplices of the rebels from La Vendée, ordered the execution of more than 8,000 people over a period of three months. The courts and the revolutionary committees were responsible for the execution of nearly 17.000 people across France. ("Soon the sacrifices shall return.")

The total number of victims during the Reign of Terror reached 40,000. ("Offenders will be taken to martyrdom"). Of those sentenced by the revolutionary courts, about 8% were noble, 6% were members of the clergy, 14% belonged to the middle class and 70% were workers or peasants accused of draft evasion, desertion, hoarding, rebellion or other crimes. ("Offenders will be martyred,")

It was the Catholic clergy who proportionally suffered greatest losses among all these social groups. Anticlerical hatred was also evident in the abolition of the Julian calendar in October 1793, which was replaced by the republican calendar. The Public Salvation Committee, headed by Robespierre, tried to reform France based fanatically on his own concepts of humanitarianism, social idealism and patriotism. The Committee, moved by the desire to establish a Republic of Virtue, encouraged the devotion for the republic and for victory, and took action against corruption and hoarding.

Also, on November 23, 1793, the Commune of Paris ordered the closing of all the churches in the city - this decision was subsequently followed by local authorities throughout France - "There will be no more monks, abbots or novices," and began promoting revolutionary religion, known as the Cult of Reason. This period in France, which runs from April 1793 to July 1794, is called the Reign of Terror. To pursue those who do not swear allegiance to the revolution and do not convert to the new Republican religion.

For Nostradamus honey is food, and it is obvious that in Paris and throughout France famine was a nightmare. In fact the frivolity of the tastes of Marie Antoinette was simply a lack of respect for the French. Another trigger for the French Revolution was hunger. In fact, for Nostradamus, "wax" is a simple representation of progress. The satisfaction of hunger was more expensive than progress itself. The last verse is presented thus in order to match the social reality of the time. "Honey will be more expensive than wax". The quatrain has been clarified.

CENTURY 1: QUATRAIN 37-38-39-40


Just before the sun sets,
Fighting occurred, large crowds confused:
Will join, from seaport there is no answer,
Bridge and sepulcher in two strange places


Un peu devant que le soleil s'excuse,
Conflict donn grand peuple dubiteux:
Profliges, port marin ne faict response
Pont & sepulchre en deux estranges lieux

The first verse says "excuse" excuse, pardon. The term "devant" is a preposition that translates as in front of, in presence of, before, in front. The verse would read:

"Just before the sun excuses itself"

The second verse contains the context "dubiteux" that derives in the French word "Dubit" i.e., doubt. The Spanish translation translates "grand peuple" ("great people") as "multitude", which is suitable. The term "donn" translates as given, been.

The word "avenging" is a free contribution of the quatrain translated into Spanish without support in the original. The verse would read:

"Conflict occurred, large crowds confused"

Now, we can replace "given" by done, happened, occured. Currently, the concept derives in the word "Donné", which translates into done. Also we can change the concept "doubtful" by confused, hesitant. Let’s change what we have:

"Conflict occurred, large crowds confused"

The prophet again uses the colon. For those who have never read my comments on Nostradamic punctuations in the Timeline, Nostradamus usually groups the first and second verses in what I call the main clause or main image. This is separated from the third and fourth verses, precisely by the colon. In turn, the third and fourth verses make up an image detached from the main clause and which I call paraclause.

Therefore, our main image is:

"Just before the sun excuses itself
Conflict occurred, large crowds confused"

However, Nostradamus is a virtuoso in using double meanings to better exploit the idea he wants to expose. This is recurring in the prophet because thus he ensures the correct interpretation of the quatrain. However, that provision has never been considered, and I’m sure that it has never been observed, and neither the master’s use of punctuations. Perhaps, these two elements basically represent the "kind of code" that many long to find in the Centuries. But let’s continue:

When I refer to the double meaning is that historically, the idea "A little before the sun excuses itself" does not matter much. It is translated as if the sun went down. I.e., at sunset (“shortly before”.) If it happens in the afternoon, morning or evening is irrelevant in general terms only. Well, Nostradamus sets the sunset-twilight parallel with the idea of ​​the decline of France. And it is France, because Nostradamus relates the Sun with King Louis XIV. In sum, with the monarchy.

In short, this decline is only the end of the monarchy by the advent of the French Revolution. That is the double historical sense that Nostradamus skillfully always uses, to distract the “usual scholars” for over 400 years. And it is perhaps the most accurate and objective symbolism that he can give us, especially to comment future events considering that he knows that such events are often incomprehensible for him given his mind of the sixteenth century. Now let’s replace:

"A little before the French monarchy excuses itself"

And it is curious and interesting that the term "excuse" may be replaced by "apologize" don’t you think? Let’s change again:

"Just before the French monarchy apologizes,
Conflict given, large crowds hesitant"

The idea "just before" refers to a temporary idea, I.e., in time. The obvious question that arises is, what historical event, where there are confused crowds, takes place within a conflict before the French Revolution? The answer is very obvious. The independence of the United States.

Now we will analyze the paraclause or image that emerges from the main clause.

The third verse says: "Will unite, from the seaport there is no response,"

The term "profliges" appears in quatrain 3-68, and is translated as "afflicted". The concept "united" is a free contribution from the Spanish translation, without much basis. The French concept is "affliger." The verse takes on the concept "is" ("est"). Then let’s agree that the word is "affliger", afflicted. Also, we can change the term "response" for resolution, opinion, verdict. Now, there is a redundancy in the phrase "seaport" because a port is in itself located near the sea. Let’s change:

"Afflicted, from port there is no solution"

The last verse says: "Bridge and sepulcher in two strange places"

Here, this last verse from the paraclause already situates us. Nostradamus says "two strange places." It is customary that when this happens, it is because it is unknown. Obviously, that "seaport" is not known. And if it is not known, it means that at least it is not in Europe. Therefore it is more evident that he speaks about the United States and a major port.

We can change the term "sepulcher" by grave, and the term "bridge" for footbridge.

Now let’s take this to history. I already said that "in two strange places" is not the world known to Nostradamus; therefore, the prophet locates us in North America and more precisely on the eve of the independence of the United States.

With the verse "Just before the sun sets" he explicitly refers to the downfall of the French monarchy with the Revolution, and two events occur that will trigger the War of Independence of the United States of America:

The Boston Tea Party and the Boston Massacre. ("Bridge and sepulcher"), unique facts since both events begin with the agglomeration of settlers: "large hesitant crowds."

In the first event, on the night of December 16, 1773, the revolt of the settlers at the port of Boston, USA, ("from the seaport there is no response") was born as a result of the approval from Britain in 1767 of new customs duties levied on imports to the metropolis of different products, including tea, to benefit the British East India Company, whom the Americans boycotted by buying tea from Holland.

Before the tea was landed, the Sons of Liberty (according to sources, between 60 and 150 people) dressed as Mohawk Indians, slipped out of the large assembly of protest and went to Griffin's wharf, where the Dartmouth and the newly arrived Beaver and Eleanour were anchored.

When Nostradamus infers that "from the seaport there is no answer," he could be symbolizing Great Britain, who supposedly would be withdrawing the new taxes; however, Nostradamus does not mention an English port. Since the paraclause also continues in the next verse, and includes the word "strange," means that it is referring by defect to a foreign port. The Port of Boston.

Quickly and efficiently, armed with axes and knives, they terrified the sailors and lifted the boxes of tea from the holds to deck (reasonable proof that some of the "Indians" were, in fact, longshoremen). They opened the boxes and threw the tea overboard. This activity, which lasted well into the night, lasted less than three hours, and was thorough and efficient. At dawn, 45 tons of tea worth an estimated £ 10 000 were confined to the waters of Boston Harbor. Nothing else was damaged or stolen, except for a padlock accidentally broken and anonymously replaced shortly afterwards. The tea floated on the shores around Boston for weeks. Nothing was damaged, according to the chronicles. Obviously, the access to boats must be made through piers or “gangways”. Curiously, this also occurs at night. ("A peu devant le soleil s'excuse”)

The second event happened in previous years, therefore Nostradamus says ("afflicted") because it is different and happened on March 5, 1770, in the same city of Boston but elsewhere in the Customs building. Curiously, again it happened on a Monday night ("A peu devant le soleil s'excuse). The tension caused by the military occupation of Boston increased after a group of soldiers started shooting a group of civilians who were creating disturbances (" Conflict given, large crowds confused”)

But let's see what kind of disturbances: The incident began when a young apprentice to a wig maker named Edward Garrick approached an officer of the Customs House on the night of the fifth of March asking for payment from his master. When the apprentice voiced his demands in a louder tone, a British sentry pulled the boy out of the building and began beating him for his insolence. Garrick was furious and returned with a group of settlers, and threw snowballs, ice and debris at White.

The commotion called the attention of the Officer of the Day, Captain Thomas Preston, who came to the aid of White with a Corporal and a group of eight soldiers from 29 Regiment. The crowd grew in size and continued throwing stones, wood and ice chips to the British soldiers. And the latter, accidental or deliberately, opened fire on the crowd. 8 people died; 4 instantly ("large crowds confused,"), and in this strange place there was death ("grave"). Now we have the "two strange places”, the Port of Boston ("Bridge") and the Customs House in Boston ("grave").

Both events occurred at night. And both cases are precursors of the independence of the United States. Both cases are previous to the French Revolution, in 1789. Technically, the verse says "A little before the sun sets" That is the parallel.

John Adams later said that after the night of the Boston Massacre, the foundation of American independence was established. The quatrain has been cleared.


The Sun and the Eagle will gather the winner
Futile answer to the vacuous they ensure:
Neither horn nor dagger may be withheld,
Vindicta peace when ending restrained in time.


Le sol & l'aigle an victuer paroistront
Response vaine au vaincu l'on asseure:
Par cor ne cris harnois n'arresteront,
Vindicte paix par mors si acheve l'heure.

The concept “paroistront” is strange. We can say that the root "Parois" derives in the word that translates as "wall." The concept can also be "Paroist" and thus lead to the current "parodiste." However, we can divide the word "paroistront" into three roots: Per – oist – ront. "Per" is a preposition which is translated as “by”. Oist derives in "ois," which in current French is spelled "ouïr," which translates as rumor, gossip. The ending "ront" is a plural pronoun.

The concept "an" in the first verse, and the concept "au" in the second, are curious. Both are translated to the same word "to," although that "au" is translated as "against," and that "an" is translated as year. Finally, "vaincu" translates as “vanquished”. Then, the verse would say:

“The sun and the Eagle year (of) victory rumored
Vain answer against the vanquished is ensured.

This is the main clause covered by the first two verses. Then, Nostradamus places the usual colon which allows the third and fourth verses to act as paraclause or image detached from the main clause.

We know that within the context, the sun refers to France by the fact that Louis XIV or so-.called Sun King is French. If it referred to Japan, there would be other elements within the context that would determine it so. And the eagle within the context refers to the United States. Let’s change:

"France and the United States year (of) victory rumored"
Vain response against the vanquished is ensured

The term "response" ("response") can be changed by solution, opinion, verdict. And finally, the concept "ensure" may be replaced by certify, assure, swear. The term "vain" can be synonymized by superficial. Then, the verse remains:

"Superficial solution against the loser is certified"

Now let’s join what we have:

"France and the United States year (of) victory rumored
superficial solution against the loser is certified "

At what point in history the United States and France deliver a superficial solution to the vanquished? The answer is obvious. In the Treaty of Versailles.

Let’s recall that the United States considered a peace without victory, and France and England, a peace with victory. Incidentally, Germany signed the armistice. It was not defeated in the First World War.

The paraclause starts with the third verse: "Horn nor dagger will be retained."

Another pair of symbols: Horn and Dagger.

Firstly, the "horn" is an object used in antiquity for war calls, or military matters in general. And the dagger is a small personal weapon usually used to kill people or animals. It is usually identified with cunning acts, devoid of honor. In sum, the horn represents the war call and the dagger means betrayal. Subsequently, Nostradamus infers the term "dagger" and as we had earlier speculated, he is referring to the Dolchstoßlegende (or Dolchstosslegende, translated in German as "legend of the stab in the back") and refers to the social myth and the popular theory of persecution and propaganda in Germany during the interwar period (1918-1939). This theory attributes the defeat of Germany in World War I to a number of domestic affairs, rather than a failed military geostrategy.

The Dolchstoß is one of the most important factors for explaining the subsequent rise of Adolf Hitler, because much of the initial political base of the Nazi Party was composed by veterans from World War, many of whom were close to the Dolchstoß interpretation of recent German history. ("Horn nor dagger may will be retained.")

We can change the term "retained" for stopped.

Let’s change what we have:

"Neither war call nor betrayal can be stopped"

Let’s change again and add everything:

"France and the United States year (of) victory rumored
superficial solution against the loser is certified:
Neither war call nor betrayal can be stopped"

Then in the last line Nostradamus says "Vindicta." The word in question alludes to an ancient Roman ceremony in which the master stated before the magistrate that he wanted to free the slave or rather, let him go. In other words, it invokes Roman customs through a Latin concept. In any case, its definition is of revenge or satisfaction from the injury or damage received. But let’s not forget that it also alludes to a ceremony. Let’s change the last verse:

"Vindictive peace if stopped in time."

Now let’s join everything:

"France and the United States year (of) victory rumored
superficial solution against the loser is certified:
Neither war call nor betrayal call can be stopped
vindictive peace if stopped in time. "

But let’s go to history:

The Treaty of Versailles was a peace treaty signed at the end of World War I, which officially ended the state of war between Germany and the Allies. It was signed on June 28, 1919 in the Hall of Mirrors at the Palace of Versailles, exactly five years after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, one of the main events that had triggered the war. Although the armistice was signed months before (November 11, 1918) to end the fighting in the battlefield, it took six months of negotiations at the Paris Peace Conference to conclude the peace treaty. The Treaty of Versailles came into force on January 10, 1920. ("Year (of) victory rumored”)

Of the many provisions of the treaty, one of the most important and controversial stipulated that Germany and its allies should accept full moral and material responsibility for causing the war and, under the terms of articles 231-248, [1] should disarm, make major territorial concessions to the victors and pay huge financial compensations to the victorious states. (“Superficial solution against the loser is certified")

The Versailles Treaty was undermined by subsequent events as from 1922, and was widely violated by Germany in the thirties with the rise to power of Adolph Hitler. ("Neither war call nor betrayal can be stopped")

A curious but important data: England does not appear in the symbolized quatrain because the governments of France and the United States were the ones which appointed the representatives of Germany in order to give them the already signed agreements, and impose them ("France and the United States"). Let’s also remember that the treaty was initially rejected by the Germans and then was accepted.

That "Vindicta peace" did not predict good times, quite the contrary; it would neither be able to keep Germany away from the war ("(nor) ..... Horn will be stopped"), and it would have been better to stop that kind of war incubator called Treaty of Versailles, since, unwittingly, it set the stage for World War II. ("Vindictive peace if stopped in time”)

One last thing: in general, the Treaty of Versailles ("vindictive peace") is seen as the great cause of World War II because, as the famous Norman Lowe wrote, "... Anyway, economically Germany was still the most powerful European nation; therefore, the mistake of the Versailles Treaty was that it upset the Germans without weakening them too much for revenge. "

The Treaty of Versailles, in particular, was one of the most controversial agreements ever signed, and was even criticized in the Allied countries for its extreme harshness to the Germans, who undoubtedly would protest so violently that sooner or later, another war would be impossible to avoid.

There is no need for a detailed chronicle of the history of the interwar period to understand that the Treaty of Versailles could not be the basis for a stable peace. It was doomed from the start and, therefore, the outbreak of another war was virtually certain. ("Neither horn nor dagger will be stopped"). It is more than clear, right? The quatrain has been clarified.


At night in bed the supreme strangles,
For staying too blonde elected:
By three the Empire replaced exhausted,
To death will take letter and package unread.


De nuict dans lict le suspresme estrangle,
Par trop avoir sejourn, blond esleu:
Par trois l'empire subrog exanche,
A mort mettra carte, et pacquet ne leu.

The term "suspresme" is correctly translated as "Supreme," and we can replace it by superior, great, high; and this "supreme" technically "strangles." Now, we can replace this concept by drowning, choking, removing the air if you will. The concept "supreme" is a superior adjective and obviously is an allusion to God. But except for two details, that is not the deduction:

1) It is very indicative that when referring to God he always does so with capital letters, especially considering his excessive attachment to the god "The Divine"

2) In consequence, it is impossible that Nostradamus had used the term "estrangle" to correspond an action brought by God. However, if that were the idea, given his strict adherence to his religious convictions, he would have used another synonym. Especially since it was the first verse, and was not initially forced to rhyme it.

Therefore he does not refer to God. Finally, the concept "le" is a masculine article and the reference to God would have been in capital letters. Some might interpret it as though he is trying to hide his reference to God from the Inquisition in that way, but anyway, the idea remains and is even written as "Ie suspresme estrangle" ("the supreme strangles").

Finally, if it is not God, it refers to "someone" adjetivized as "the supreme," and the term "strangle" is closely associated to the idea of ​​"murder and crime."

Let’s replace:

"At night in bed he strangles (her)"

I added the concept "her" because in the second verse, the female "blonde" appears. Let’s go to the second verse: "By staying too blonde elected."

The concept "by” is a preposition of causality; it is clear that the idea" by staying too blonde elected" refers to the duration of her office, her government, or her kingdom. It follows automatically that the "blond elected" is a ruler or queen, since at her death ("For three the Empire is replaced (and) exhausted.")

The death of this chief or head of government (I say female because of "blonde elected") is caused by the "supreme". One deduction: if she has “remained too much (time) blonde elected" means that this sovereign is old or elderly.

Nostradamus again puts a colon at the end of the second verse, so let’s agree that the first two verses correspond to the main idea I called main clause. And the third and fourth verses correspond to what I call paraclause or secondary image derived from the main clause.

The truth is that the Empire is already decadent, i.e., is "exhausted", and lives its last moments of glory so to speak. The interesting thing about this quartet is that the concept "By three ..." is not indicative of simultaneity, i.e., the decline of that empire.

Let us pause a moment in the verse: "By three the Empire is exhausted replaced."

It is clear that there are 3 successors, since the "blond selected" has been killed But it is not a count of replacements until the Empire is ended. The verse tells us otherwise. Let's see:

Three are the successors related with the replacement and depletion of that Empire. The term "replaced" can be synonymized by changed, altered. And we can change the term "exhausted" for weak, tired, worn.

Then let’s change the verse:

"By three the empire is changed and consumed"

Obviously the preposition "by" applied to causality does not explain the idea we set forth.

The last verse says "To death will take letter and package unread."

This old lady sovereign is buried with some of her belongings, perhaps deliberately or accidentally; the concrete thing is that she will be buried with "a letter and a package” ("To death will take letter and package unread.")

The interesting thing is that this quatrain refers to an empire. Reviewing history, the only empire that was governed extensively by a blonde woman is the English, and that blonde was called Victoria. Let’s decipher this according to history:

Queen Victoria died in the Isle of Wight, on January 22, 1901. According to the historical annals, she died in the arms of her grandson, the future Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany on that January 22, 1901, at 81 years of age, after reigning for 63 years, 7 months and 2 days, more than any another British monarch before or after her. (“For staying too long blonde elected.") What is does not say is if more people were present, or if they just found William holding her in his arms. ("At night in bed the supreme strangles")

Her funeral took place on February 2; after two days of national mourning, she was buried in the Frogmore Mausoleum beside her husband. ("To death will take letter and package unread.") In short, in her grave inside the mausoleum there are a letter and a package containing something that might change our view of history. You never know.

The quatrain said that she was smothered by the supreme at night in bed ("for staying too blonde elected"). But let’s know more about her: Victoria, who was almost entirely of German descent (except for her ancestor Sophia of Hanover, she was also the female line descendant of James VI of Scotland and I of England), and the last monarch from the House of Hanover; despite the high position she occupied in the line of succession, during her early years Victoria only spoke German, the original language of her mother and her housekeeper. However, when it became apparent that some day she would inherit the throne, in 1822, she began receiving English lessons. "Blonde" is because Queen Victoria had golden blond hair. At 16 she he was very graceful, almost pretty, with the typical look of the Hannover, with somewhat bulging blue eyes, and very short stature, rather small in size.

We could be facing a murder that history never told: Prince William II might have stifled the dying Queen Victoria in her bed, and at night. In fact the story is that the old queen died in his arms, or maybe they found the already deceased queen in the arms of the prince.

But let’s study this future monarch who always maintained a "love-hate" relationship with the United Kingdom, and especially with his British cousins. An armed conflict with Britain was never totally ruled out by William, who often harbored anti-British sentiments within the main areas of the German government, despite what his mother had instilled him in his youth. Recent analyses of his birth documents, which are stored in the Imperial Archives, have suggested that William II might also have experienced brain trauma.

Historians have been unable to determine whether such mental incapacity may have contributed to his aggressiveness, stubbornness and tactlessness with the people and when facing problems, which was evident in his political and personal life. William had a very agile mind, which was often overshadowed by his cantankerous temperament.

He had some interest in science and technology of the period, but liked to make people notice that he was a man of the world, belonging to a different order of the human race, destined for the monarchy. William was accused of megalomania in 1894 by the German pacifist Ludwig Quidde. What is most striking is that William II erected himself as supreme arbiter of all political appointments (the "supreme").

In other words, he was "the supreme." I personally am inclined to think that the grandson of Queen Victoria, the future William II, in fact strangled the old monarch at night and in her bed. Anyway, to prove that the body should have to be exhumed and using current techniques, perform a forensic examination to determine 2 things: whether or not she was murdered by strangulation, and if she has a letter and a package with her belongings inside her coffin.

Why she was killed was due to envy, to the anti-British feeling that William II always showed. To the envy of having murdered the longest lasting monarch on the British throne.

"By three the Empire replaced, exhausted." This verse is clearer after knowing the former. He obviously refers to the three kings who successively replaced Queen Victoria: These are:

Edward VII, who briefly ruled the Empire from January 22, 1901 until May 06, 1910.

George V, who reigned from 6 May 1910 until 20 January 1936, and finally, Edward VIII, who ruled the empire from the death of his father, on January 20, 1936, until December 11 of that same year, abdicating to marry his mistress Wallis Simpson; he did not last long as a monarch.

Finally, George VI, who replaced Edward VIII and was the last emperor of India (until 1947) and King of Ireland, which became a republic in 1949. The empire was diluting, and was already experiencing its decline.

And precisely Edward VII, George V and George VI were those three related with "the Empire (has been) replaced (and) exhausted." The First and Second World Wars, and the end of British colonialism. The quatrain has been cleared.


The false tornado, concealing insanity,
Byzantium will make a change of law:
It will come out of Egypt, who wants it to unleash,
Edict changing currency and value


La trombe fausse dissimulant folie,
Fera Bisance un changement de loix:
Istra d'Egypte qui veut que l'on deslie,
Edict changeant monnaies & alois

A tornado ("trombe") is a column of water that rises in the sea according to a current definition, a kind of water column that is connected between the sky and sea. Nostradamus then infers "dissumulant," which means "concealing.” This concept can be changed by hiding, covering. The concept "folie" agrees with the translation “madness”, but within a psychological context can be replaced by delirium, mania. And obviously, the concept "madness" points in that direction, very closely associated to megalomania. The concept "Fausse" agrees with the translation "false." And we can change it for apparent, imaginary, simulated, artificial. If we change what we have, we could say in other words:

"Artificial column concealing megalomania."

Then it is not a natural water tornado, because Nostradamus does not know them. All he knows is that behind this device hides a sort of attitude of delirium, alienation, megalomania. And of course such concepts are not applied to an object, but to a person. So he is referring to someone.

However, among the various reforms that the French instituted in Egypt when Napoleon's troops invaded it, was creating modernity in these primitive lands, such as the construction of windmills to lift water and grind wheat. These artificial water elevations were unknown to the people of Egypt at the time, and were ordered by Napoleon Bonaparte in the context of the Egyptian campaign ("Artificial tornado concealing Megalomania.")

The second verse says: "Byzantium will make a change of law."

Again we see the colon, and thus Nostradamus tells us that the first two verses are the prelude to the last two. A clause or main image, and then a paraclause or secondary scene derived from the first clause.

Let’s know that Byzantium was the capital of the Ottoman Empire in those times, since we are in the Napoleonic campaign in Egypt. Well, let's see. Selim III came to power in the Ottoman Empire in April 1789, a year that coincides with the French Revolution. The Ottoman Empire was at war with Russia and Austria, but in August 1791, the hostilities stopped under the treaties of Svitchov (1791) and Jassy (1792). Selim III took advantage of this situation ("will") to reform the empire, and in 1793 promulgated the Nizam-i Djedid or new regulation that involved a major reorganization of the military elite corps of the Janissaries, which during the last half century had represented a source of constant disturbances. Riots broke out in several Ottoman provinces, coinciding with the Napoleonic expedition to Egypt. This also caused tension between revolutionary France and the Ottoman Empire. ("Byzantium will make a change of law.”)

Let’s change what we have within the main image or clause:

Artificial column concealing Napoleon’s megalomania,
Selim II will change the laws. "

Within this context, the paraclause opens:

Let’s also remember that the city of Byzantium lost its name in the year 330 AD, and was later renamed Constantinople. On May 29, 1453, with its downfall at the hands of Ottoman Turks, it was unofficially called Istanbul although it kept the official name of Constantinople. Already on May 30, 1930, it was officially renamed Istanbul. Although the capital was moved to Ankara in 1923 with the birth of the new republic, Nostradamus - always attached to his Greco – Roman culture – prefers using the Roman term Byzantium.

Then in the next verse he says "Will come out of Egypt, who wants it to unleash”, unleash what? Let us pause for a moment:

"Qui veut que l'on deslie"

The term "veut" derives in the current French word "vouloir," which could be translated as will or to have the will to want, to desire. The concept "on" acts as an impersonal pronoun in this case." Also, the concept "deslie" agrees with the translation, because it translates as separate. Let's see:

"Who wants it to separate"

But the concept "deslie" can be changed to untie, unfasten. All these concepts are the opposite idea to tie, fasten; let’s change:

"Will come out of Egypt (since) he wants to be untied"

Obviously, it refers to Napoleon. Let’s see why:

Napoleon saw that in Europe, the Second Coalition was forming to attack a France weakened by internal political tensions. And realizing that he was not getting anything from the Egyptian campaign and was far away from the metropolis, he feared being left out of a new distribution of power and decided to return as soon as possible. ("He will come out of Egypt (since) he wants to be untied")

Unable to retreat, Napoleon passed the command to Kleber and decided to return to France. He left with his best generals on board the frigate Muiron, evaded the British blockade and reached his destination. On November 1799, the 18th Brumaire, according to the revolutionary calendar, he gave the coup d’étât that ended the Directory and exalted him in power. Before leaving, Napoleon told Kléber to resist until January 1800. If by then he did not receive reinforcements, ammunition and food from the metropolis, he could surrender. When that date arrived without obtaining any help, Kléber negotiated the surrender with the Ottomans on January 24th, at El-Arish. But it did not turn out well: the British denied the evacuation of the French troops. ("Will come out of Egypt (since) he wants to be untied")

The 18th Brumaire from year VIII refers to a date in the French Republican calendar that coincides with November 9th, 1799 in the Gregorian calendar. At that time, Napoleon Bonaparte led a coup d’étât that overthrew the Directory, the last form of government from the French Revolution, and began the period known as the Consulate.

Then, Nostradamus concludes "Edict changing currency and value." The "Edict" was the pronouncement of a Roman magistrate and in its current definition means decree, a mandate of the sovereign, the chief magistrate, or institution. A document from courts or tribunals.

The term "currency" can be changed for money. And we can change the concept "value" by price, cost. Let’s change:

"Edict changing capital and price"

The constitutional reform was prepared immediately. Measures were taken to ensure social order in the country, together with economic measures and the banishment of the Jacobins, while Bonaparte's popularity increased through these measures and his constant public appearances, acting as the savior of the country. ("Edict changing currency and value.") And everything happened during the year 1799. The quatrain has been clarified.